Monday, July 20, 2009

I heart Spanish Town!

My husband and I bought our first home a few summer's back and we are madly in love with not only our house, but also our tiny vintage hidden neighborhood called Spanish Town. I have decided to share my developing love for all things Spanish Revival in my neighborhood and hopefully inspire you to document the history of your community as a way to preserve it's special parts along with building a sense of connection between you and your neighbors. Maybe I am doing this because I am a history nerd or possible because Sacramento real estate runs through my veins, either way it just feels good to share all the little things I find so quaint.

According to Dan Murphy, local Sacramento historical writer and neighborhood activist, a subdivision map for the College Plaza area, sometimes called the College Town Tract, just north of Sacramento Junior College (now Sacramento City College) was filed in 1928. Marketed as 'Spanish Town' , it's where I am blogging about.

In the picture of the subdivision at the top of the page you can see College Plaza in the lower left hand corner, just to the east of Freeport Blvd and just south of College Terrace. Comprised of a shortened 8th avenue and all of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Avenue's from West to East, College Plaza is also crisscrossed by Freeport Blvd. (21st), 22nd and 23rd streets along with three accessible fire lanes. The distinctive markings of the Water Tower and Hughes Stadium are visible on the map and even further east from that, across the Curtis Park Rail Yards are the neighborhoods surrounding Curtis Park such as Curtis Oaks and Heilbron Oaks.

So hidden and quaint, most people just barely realize Spanish Town is here. Unless of course you did any time at Espresso Metro eating baguettes with chive cream cheese while hanging out in Metro Park a.k.a... Plaza Cervantes Park. But more on that to come later...ciao for now.


Unknown said...

hey! so there are a couple good spanish style homes on my mom's street Montomery way - North side of the street between Franklin and East Curtis - One is directly behind the Curtis Mansion on the corner, the other three are mid block :)

Unknown said...

Nice blog - I walk past that Apartment complex all the time, I even applied there once! I guess it takes someone to stop and look at the little things to really appreciate the history our town still has. Thanks!